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Surgery to rejuvenate the midface and neck line, as well as reduce jowling and deep nasolabial folds 

Aging is a natural part of life, but we can help minimize its effects. As we age, several processes occur that contribute to the shadows and laxity that one will often see. We lose volume throughout the face from resorption of bone and fatty tissue under the skin, the ligaments which hold the soft tissues of our face relax and loosen, and gravity takes effect. Lastly, skin loses its natural elasticity, allowing tissues to descend and cause the heaviness and selective hollowness that can be seen in the aged face. 

Syracuse, facelift, necklift, Plastic Surgery, Facial plastics

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a procedure performed to restore volume to aesthetically desirable places such as the cheeks and posterior jawline. This is done by re-suspending deep tissues of the face to a more superior and posterior direction. This reduces fullness along the lower cheeks, softens nasolabial folds, eliminates jowls, and defines the jawline. 

A deep plane facelift addresses all of these problems while avoiding the undesirable sequela of older techniques such as a stretched/"wind blown" look, a tight rigid face, or unsightly scars. 

Why a Deep Plane Facelift?

Understanding the technique 

The modern facelift focuses on the suspension of deep subcutaneous tissues (SMAS) that withstands the effect of gravity over the years. The skin adapts to these repositioned tissues without any tension or stretching, giving a natural and non-surgical appearance. The incisions are well hidden, usually started at the hairline in the region of the temples and extending around the ears, front and back. Because of these details, scars heal very well and are minimally noticeable, even on close inspection. In select cases, depending on an individual patient's anatomy, adjunct procedures can be performed at the same time and may be recommended for added benefit (e.g. blepharoplasty, brow lift, or fat grafting).




For additional information about these procedures and common questions please refer to the patient resources section.

Please contact our office if you would like to have a consultation with Dr. Davila.

Knowing Your Facelift Surgeon

The technique and expertise matters 

There are several techniques for a facelift, and while some may provide a good result in the right hands, your surgeon should be able to explain his rationale for the selected technique for your surgery. 

I have extensive experience in aesthetic facial rejuvenation and consider myself an experts in facial rejuvenation surgery.  Part of my extensive training includes surgery for disorders of the facial nerve. This makes my uniquely familiar and comfortable with the anatomy of the face and, most importantly, the nerves and tissue planes in this region.


As a head and neck surgeon, I operate extensively in this region and am uniquely familiar with all aspects of the face, nose, and neck anatomy. As a fellowship trained facial plastic surgeon, my experience has focused specifically on these procedures. 

So you can rest assured your face is in good hands. 




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​Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4:30pm 

​​Saturday: Closed ​

Sunday: Closed

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